

Jordan, Soren, Hannah L. Paul, and Andrew Q. Philips. (2023) "How to Cautiously Uncover the 'Black Box' of Machine Learning Models for Legislative Scholars", Legislative Studies Quarterly, 48(1), 165-202. [Link] [PDF] [Replication] [Supplementary Material]

Funk, Kendall D., Hannah L. Paul, and Andrew Q. Philips. (2022) "Point break: Using machine learning to uncover a critical mass in women’s representation." Political Science Research and Methods, 10(2), 372-390. [Link] [PDF] [Replication] [Supplementary Material]

Paul, Hannah L., and Andrew Q. Philips. (2022) "What Goes up Must Come Down: Modeling Threshold Dynamics.", Social Science Quarterly, 103(5), 1273-1289. [Link] [PDF] [Supplementary Material]

Paul, Hannah L., and Jennifer Fitzgerald. (2021) "The Dynamics of Issue Salience: Immigration and Public Opinion." Polity 53(3), 370-393. [Link] [PDF] [Supplementary Material]

Working Papers

"Traits that Shape Outgroup Attitudes: Dispositional Empathy and Support for Immigrants in Sweden ." (Revise & Resubmit)

"The Racial Dynamics of Empathy: An Experiment on Race, Empathy, and Attitudes about Refugees" (with Courtney Johnson Nava) (Revise & Resubmit)

"The 'Perceptual Screen' of Refuge: Perceptions of Political Leaders and Political Trust among Resettled Refugees in the United States" (with Wendy Hansen and Prakash Adhikari) (under review)

"Refuge and Representation: The Effects of Integration Courses on Refugees' Party Attachments in Germany" 

"Getting Personal: Personal Narrative Fails, but Empathy Succeeds in Promoting Support for Refugees" 

"I'm Every Woman? A Re-examination of Critical Mass Effects from Women’s Representation in Legislatures" (with Kendall D. Funk and Andrew Q. Philips)

"The Democratic Inclusion of Minorities: Gender, Social Ties, and Refugee Political Engagement" (with Aryanna Hyde)

"The Gendered Political Economy of Trafficking" (with Emma Mariano)